Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Upgradation of Mhoon School

Bahrain was devastated due to floods. This is where Mhoon School is.
The funds raised by exibitions of 'Multi-coloured Scarves of Peace' in Austria, Funkor Childart Center was able to help Mhoon School in Bahrain, Swat Kohistan to extend a class by paying the salary of one teacher for Rs.7000/- per month for 2 years. The extention of the project will benefit 25 children for 2 years and keep the quality of the students intact; and indeed it will enhance it. Without this support these children would have lost the quality education Mhoon School had so far ensured with these students. Mhoon School is run by Idara Baray-e-Taalim o Taraqi IBT, Bahrain. IBT has been a partner in flood relief efforts in Bahrain and established 'Amai's Nest' for flood affected children for more information please visit other flood relief activities with IBT include
and also .l

These children are the first batch of Mhoon school. Mostly poor and excluded these children would straight go either to the government schools( where quality education is not available) or drop from schooling if they were not able to retain them at our project.

The post flood scenario is that most of these children belong to families who were badly affected by the floods in terms of either direct victim of it as their homes, property and resources were destroyed. Some children belong to families whose source of livelihood, shopkeeping or restaurants, were washed out by the floods. Thank you Maria Bader, Brigitte Naubacher, Maham Ali and Fauzia Haider for making the continuation of the education of these beautiful children possible and all those beautiful students in Vienna who contributed through the art exchange "Multicoloured Scarves of Peace' For more photos please click on the link and the blog
April 7 · Like ·

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